In the heart of peanut-growing country, Touba, Senegal, is the spiritual center of the Islamic Mouride Brotherhood, which plays an important role in the religious life of millions of Senegalese.
St-Louis, Senegal89.8 miles
Located close to the Senegal River - Provides easy access to Dakar Airport - Rooms with a panoramic view of St-Louis....
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6 First Class
Commission: -
Rooms: 24
Rates: $476 - $738
Diamniadio, Senegal87.5 miles
Business-friendly contemporary hotel located 15 mi from Blaise Diagne Airport - Sleek suites may include terraces or balconies....
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 152
Rates: -
Saly Portudal, Senegal83.8 miles
Classic hotel located in the city center - 9 km away from Accrobaobab Adventure and 60 minute drive from International Airport....
Rooms: 259
Saly Portudal, Senegal80.7 miles
4 Moderate First Class
Rooms: 35
Saloum Delta Natl Park, Senegal84.3 miles
This 59 room property, built in 1970......
Rooms: 59
Rates: $61 - $148
St-Louis, Senegal89.7 miles
Not Yet Rated
Rooms: 39
St-Louis, Senegal89.1 miles
Saly Portudal, Senegal80.5 miles
Rooms: 258
Mbour, Senegal78.2 miles
This 30 room property, renovated in 2012......
Rooms: 30
Saly Portudal, Senegal80.4 miles
Rooms: -