In the Solomons, they talk about "The Islands of Pride," a reference not only to their country's natural beauty, but also to the people's contributions to the Allied cause in World War II. Some o...
Honiara, Solomon Islands73.1 miles
Waterfront hotel - Rooms overlooking the Solomon Islands - Located within close proximity from the Provinces of Solomon Islands....
View Hotel Details
6 First Class
Commission: -
Rooms: 75
Rates: -
Honiara, Solomon Islands73.4 miles
Polynesian-accented Hotel with modern wing in attractive garden setting, 1 mile from center of town....
2 Tourist Class
Commission: 25%
Rooms: 66
Hotel with 2 wings, located in heart of Honiara near ocean terminal....
Commission: 20%
Rooms: 73
Rates: $92 - $92
Munda, Solomon Islands260 miles
This 28 room property, renovated in 1991......
Not Yet Rated
Rooms: 28
Rates: $75 - $153
Gizo, Solomon Islands290.4 miles
Leaf house traditional setting for restaurant & bar, oceanside resort, colonial architecture - By Gizo Lagoon....
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 51
Rates: $70 - $85
Honiara, Solomon Islands73.9 miles
Commission: 8%
Rooms: 142
Rates: $114 - $114
Overlooking Point Cruz....
Rooms: 96