Located near the Zambezi River delta, 670 mi/1,000 km northeast of Maputo, this port was the center of a thriving agricultural area before the war. Today greatly decayed, it is a center of copra ...
Blantyre, Malawi190.7 miles
Business-oriented Hotel situated in beautiful terraced gardens near city center....
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6 First Class
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 130
Rates: -
Blantyre, Malawi191.7 miles
Malawi's Oldest Hotel, situated in the heart of town....
4 Moderate First Class
Rooms: 117
Zomba, Malawi204.8 miles
Modernized Mountain Hotel with older & newer wings, set in terraced gardens at edge of Zomba Plateau....
Rooms: 37
Beira, Mozambique190 miles
This 74 room property, renovated in 2011......
3 Superior Tourist Class
Commission: -
Rooms: 74
Rates: $118 - $200
Beira, Mozambique190.1 miles
Rooms: 54
Beira, Mozambique186.7 miles
Not Yet Rated
Rooms: 183
Blantyre, Malawi192 miles
This 22 room property, renovated in 2010......
Rooms: 22
Blantyre, Malawi156.9 miles
This 27 room property, renovated in 2004......
Rooms: 27
Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi187.6 miles
Rooms: -