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Travel Weekly's 2016 Power List

It had seemed likely that we might see a change at the top of the Power List this year as a result of Priceline Group’s momentum in the last few years. Moreover, in last year’s ranking the top two were practically neck and neck, with Expedia Inc. at $50.4 billion in annual travel sales and Priceline at $50.3 billion.

Yet Expedia has maintained its position at No. 1, partly through aggressive expansion, such as the takeover of Travelocity and Orbitz Worldwide (No. 7 last year.) This year, our top agency clocked in with nearly $61 billion in travel sales in 2015.  


How the Power List was compiled. Read more

Acquisitions were part of the continuing consolidation in the industry that resulted in the departure of some names even as new agencies joined.

It all adds up to some interesting dynamics in our annual Power List, which ranks agencies that report annual travel sales in the previous year of $100 million or more. 

Go to the introduction.

1 | Expedia Inc.
2 | Priceline Group
3 | American Express Global Business Travel
4 | Carlson Wagonlit Travel
5 | BCD Travel
6 | HRG North America
7 | FC USA
8 | American Express Travel
9 | Travel Leaders Group
10 | Fareportal
11 | AAA Travel
12 | Corporate Travel Management
Industry Focus: American Express Travel
Power List Profile
Industry Focus: American Express Travel
The 2016 Power List marks the first time that the American Express brand has been split into two entries: American Express Global Business Travel and American Express Travel.
13 | Travel and Transport
14 | Altour
15 | Direct Travel
16 | World Travel
17 | Omega World Travel (tie)
17 | Frosch (tie)
19 | JTB Americas Group
20 | Ovation Travel Group
21 | World Travel Holdings
22 | ATG
23 | International Cruise & Excursions (ICE)
24 | Vision Travel
Industry Focus, Travel Planners International: Advertising agents
Power List Profile
Industry Focus, Travel Planners International: Advertising agents
Some people talk about the lack of consumer awareness of travel agents. Travel Planners International (TPI) is doing something about it.
25 | Adelman Travel Group
26 | Travizon
27 | Christopherson Andavo Travel
28 |
29 | Worldview Travel
30 | CorpTrav Management Group
31 | H.I.S. USA
32 | TravelStore
33 | Valerie Wilson Travel
34 | Fox World Travel
35 | Avoya Travel
36 | Cruise Planners, an American Express Representative
Industry focus, Balboa Travel: A family affair
Power List Profile
Industry focus, Balboa Travel: A family affair
Despite the stability as far as family and clients, the company has had to evolve with the industry.
37 | Professional Travel
38 | Travel Experts
39 | Short's Travel Management
40 | Global Crew Logistics
41 | Montrose Travel
42 | Travel Planners International
43 | Uniglobe Travel Partners
44 | Kintetsu International Express (USA)
45 | Balboa Travel
46 | Atlas Travel & Technology Group
47 | CI Azumano Travel
48 | The Appointment Group
49 | Gant Travel Management
50 | Travelink, American Express Travel
51 | Amtrav
52 | Conlin Travel
53 | Creative Lodging Solutions
54 |
55 | Global Travel International
56 | CruCon Cruise Outlet Plus
57 | Cain Travel
58 | KHM Travel Group

Tops in 2015: Travel companies ranked

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