This industrial and economic hub (pop. 165,000) of Gabon sits on Mandji Island in the Ogooue River. Although the city doesn't have much in the way of attractions, Port Gentil does have a number o...
Libreville, Gabon90.4 miles
Seaside Hotel housed in office & apartment complex in residential area, near city center....
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8 Moderate Deluxe
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 140
Rates: -
Libreville, Gabon89.3 miles
Six-story Downtown Hotel located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean....
7 Superior First Class
Rooms: 256
Libreville, Gabon91 miles
Beachfront hotel with designer rooms offering a panoramic view of the Atlantic ocean - 2 km from the airport....
Rooms: 306
Rates: - - $1
Port Gentil, Gabon.5 miles
This 87 room property, renovated in 2017......
6 First Class
Rooms: 87
Libreville, Gabon93.4 miles
4 Moderate First Class
Commission: -
Rooms: -
Libreville, Gabon89.8 miles
Not Yet Rated
Rooms: 80
Libreville, Gabon89.5 miles
Rooms: 46
Libreville, Gabon90.2 miles
Rooms: 20