Even though this capital city on the Como River and the Atlantic coast is quite modern—skyscrapers rise above wide, tree-lined boulevards downtown—Libreville (pop. 800,000) still has a colonial f...
Libreville, Gabon1.5 miles
Seaside Hotel housed in office & apartment complex in residential area, near city center....
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8 Moderate Deluxe
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 140
Rates: -
Libreville, Gabon.6 miles
Six-story Downtown Hotel located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean....
7 Superior First Class
Rooms: 256
Libreville, Gabon3.6 miles
Beachfront hotel with designer rooms offering a panoramic view of the Atlantic ocean - 2 km from the airport....
Rooms: 306
Rates: - - $1
Port Gentil, Gabon89.6 miles
This 87 room property, renovated in 2017......
6 First Class
Rooms: 87
Libreville, Gabon7.5 miles
4 Moderate First Class
Commission: -
Rooms: -
Libreville, Gabonless than .1 miles
Not Yet Rated
Rooms: 80
Libreville, Gabon.5 miles
Rooms: 46
Libreville, Gabon1.8 miles
Rooms: 20