European Inland Waterways Cruises

Use the European Inland Waterways cruise schedule calendar below to find a European Inland Waterways cruise sailing by departure port, cruise line, or ship.

View Cruises by:  Departure Port  |  Line  |  Ship
Departure PortAllNov
Amsterdam, Netherlands$1,549$2,599$3,743$2,599$2,799$2,399$1,549
Arles, France$3,823$4,472$3,823  $4,079$4,559
Arnhem, Netherlands$3,699    $3,699 
Avignon, France$3,299    $3,699$3,299
Barcelona, Spain$399$3,664   $621$1,604
Basel, Switzerland$1,718$2,599$4,608$2,599$2,799$2,399$2,399
Belfast, Northern Irelandview     view
Bergen, Norway$5,599     $8,599
Berlin, Germany$5,682view   view$5,682
Bordeaux, France$3,299$5,322   $3,299$3,299
Boston, MA$4,204      
Bridgetown, Barbados$3,564    $3,564 
Brussels, Belgium$3,690 $3,690   $4,608
Bucharest, Romania$5,219    view$7,142
Budapest, Hungary$1,399$2,399$1,399$2,799$2,999$2,599$1,999
Buenos Aires, Argentinaviewviewviewviewviewview 
Cairo, Egyptview viewviewviewviewview
Civitavecchia, Italy$349$709$349   $1,084
Cologne, Germany$1,399 $1,399   $2,349
Comino, Maltaview      
Constanta, Romania$9,789      
Copenhagen, Denmark$1,279      
Dover, England$551      
Dublin, Irelandview      
Fort Lauderdale, FL$264view  $319$334$264
Giurgiu, Romania$4,338$5,122$5,222  $4,938$5,138
Greenock, Scotland$10,561      
Greenwich, England$8,899     $9,299
Hamburg, Germany$229 $229$279 $279$2,049
Istanbul, Turkey$764      
Keelung, Taiwanview     view
Kiel, Germanyview      
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spainview      
Le Havre, France$1,319     $5,838
Leith, Scotlandview      
Lima, Peruview      
Lisbon, Portugal$591$989   $899$1,189
Liverpool, Englandviewviewview    
London, Englandview    viewview
Los Angeles, CAview      
Luxembourg, Luxembourg$4,159     $4,159
Luzern, Switzerlandview      
Lyon, France$2,299$4,273$3,823  $3,649$2,299
Madrid, Spain$5,672     $5,672
Mainz, Germany$3,599      
Malaga, Spain$1,863     view
Marseille, France$2,300      
Miami, FL$4,111     $4,111
Milano, Italy$5,939     $5,939
Munich, Germanyview     view
New Orleans, LA$410     $410
New York, NY$219 $384$219 $539$1,879
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Englandview      
Nice, France$6,012     $6,512
Osaka, Japanview      
Oslo, Norway$2,519      
Paris, France$1,034$4,199view  $4,319$1,034
Passau, Germany$2,499$2,999 $2,799$2,999$2,499$2,499
Philipsburg, St Maarten, St Martin/St Maartenview      
Piraeus, Greece$1,299view     
Port Canaveral, FL$611      
Portimao, Portugalview      
Porto, Portugal$3,349$3,349$4,633  $4,749$3,999
Portsmouth, Dominica$13,700      
Portsmouth, England$1,313viewview view  
Prague, Czech Republic$3,521$3,811$5,652  $7,457$5,129
Quebec, PQview      
Regensburg, Germany$2,599$2,999    $2,599
Remich, Luxembourg$5,358      
Reykjavik, Iceland$1,239      
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil$1,029    $1,029view
Rosyth, Scotlandview      
Rotterdam, Netherlands$774      
Rouen, France$3,399     $4,649
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands, Spainviewviewviewviewviewviewview
Santa Margherita, Sardinia Island, Italyview      
Sevilla, Spain$6,127      
Southampton, England$229$274$334$229$919$279$279
Speyer, Germany$2,949     $4,279
Stockholm, Sweden$11,100      
Tilbury, England$8,499viewview  $8,499 
Tokyo, Japanview      
Trier, Germany$4,769      
Trieste, Italy$604     $1,309
Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentinaview      
Valletta, Malta Island, Maltaview    viewview
Venice, Italy$5,129     $5,129
Vienna, Austria$1,999$1,999$2,099  $4,782$2,799
Vienne, France$2,649     $2,649
Vilshofen, Germany$3,006$4,022$5,822  $4,229$3,006
Viviers, France$4,832$5,008   view$4,832
Wurzburg, Germany$7,549      
Zurich, Switzerland$2,508view$4,682  $4,782$4,982

Prices represent the lowest available price for a given sailing date, departure port, and/or month. All prices USD.

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