Also known as Usumbura, Burundi's capital and largest city (pop. 367,000) is set at the northeastern end of Lake Tanganyika. Mountains (located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) are visibl...
Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda66.2 miles
Modern hotel alongside Nyungwe Forest National Park - Located 230 kms from Kigali International Airport - Offers bird watching....
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9 Deluxe
Commission: -
Rooms: 23
Rates: -
Kibuye, Rwanda90.9 miles
Hillside hotel set on the shores of Lake Kivu - 1 km from Karongi town and 6 minutes from Kibuye Blue Monkey Tours + boat trip....
7 Superior First Class
Rooms: 18
Bujumbura, Burundi2.4 miles
3 Superior Tourist Class
Rooms: -
Bujumbura, Burundi2.1 miles
Not Yet Rated
Bujumbura, Burundi2.9 miles
Commission: 9%
Rooms: 110
Bujumbura, Burundi.8 miles
Bujumbura, Burundi.3 miles
Rooms: 74
Bujumbura, Burundi1.9 miles