This holy city and former capital, found 350 mi/565 km north of Addis Ababa in the northern province of Tigrai, is ancient, dating back 2,000 years. A major stop in caravan routes heading to the ...
Asmara, Eritrea82.8 miles
Modern hotel, guestrooms furnished in contemporary style, light colors - 4 kms to Asmara, 2 kms to Asmara International Airport....
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8 Moderate Deluxe
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 170
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Bahir Dar, Ethiopia199.8 miles
Not Yet Rated
Commission: -
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Gonder, Ethiopia136.5 miles
Rooms: 61
Gonder, Ethiopia134 miles
Built on bluff overlooking ancient castles & churches....
Rooms: 82
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia196.9 miles